Prototypes Design & Production, Inc.
Quick Quoting
We can provide you quick quote for your project. You can call us, send us an email or use our online request for quotation form to get affordable prices on each project.
Fast Turn Around
We guarantee quick turn-around. Our project managers make sure that customers are aware of production progress and they are ready to answer any questions related to schedule and delivery..
Complete Turnkey Machined Components
Prototypes Design and Production, Inc. specialize in complex and difficult to machine components and assemblies. We established a reputation for quality and reliability.
Commitment to quality.
Commitment to quality is our number one priority. All our production team is committed to defect free manufacturing. We guarantee consistent quality. We are constantly working on improving our production processes so that the parts delivered to our customers are of very high quality.
Our plant is run by engineers with a lot of experience in the field and thus we take full responsibility for our work and we strive to meet our customers requirements in one hundred percent.
On time delivery.
We know that on-time delivery is critical for our customers. Therefore it is our most important commitment that you receive your parts as promised. We guarantee quick time around. To meet your needs we are able to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We are dedicated to what we promise to our customers. Our team of engineers understand, that meeting deadlines is one of the most important commitment at Prototypes Design and Production Inc. Our dedicated engineers, backed by sophisticated software, are committed to assuring that scheduling is 100% reliable.
Our Services
3 Axis Machining
4 Axis Machining
5 Axis Machining
Production Milling and Turning
2D & 3D Prismatic Machined Comp.